Marias hår
Jag är avundsjuk! Varför har inte jag lika vackert hår som Maria Nikolaievna Romanova? Hennes hår är långt och lockigt och fullt av volym och var är mitt? Jo, platt och rakt och fult! Som tur var finns det något som kallas permanent och det är något som vi platthåriga behöver. Det är inte speciellt snyggt att gå omkring med permanent bara som det är, nej det är inte snyggt, riktigt fult faktiskt. Därför måste jag varje morgon arbeta i en fyrtio minuter med att få håret att se någorlunda normalt ut. Jag slår vad om att när Maria vaknade var hennes hår redan perfekt och inte tantlockigt eller spikrakt. Tantlockigt eller spikrakt - det är min verklighet! Gah!
Alix och Anna...
Än en gång har jag läst igenom de brev som Alix skrev till Nikolai under åren 1914-1917 och jag finner en del delar ganska konstiga. Alix hade en vän, en bästa vän, som hette Anna Vyrobova. Anna var inte vacker, inte speciellt smart och väldigt barnslig. Anna var dock väldigt förtjust i Nikolai, något som gjorde Alix avundsjuk och i breven till Nikolai skriver hon väldigt ofta mycket förolämpade saker om sin bästa, och nästan enda, vän.
Nedan följer några utdrag från Alexandras brev;
It's a rest not seeing poor Ania and hearing her grumbling. - Anna, Ania och Anya är i Ryssland samma namn.
My dear, Ania has been wheeled by Shuk as far as Voyeikov's house, Dr. Korenev near her and was not a bit tired - now tomorrow she wants to come to me! Oh dear, and I was so glad that for a long time we should not have her in the house, I am selfish after 9 years, and want you to myself at last and this means, she is preparing to invade upon us often when you return or she will beg to be wheeled in the garden, as the park is shut (so as to meet you) and I wont be there to disturb.
I shall miss you h o r r i b I y , but I am glad for you that you will be away for 2 days & get new impressions & hear nothing of Anias stories.
Ania's leg is much better to-day, and I see she intends to be up for your return - I wish she had been well now and the leg next week bad, then we should have had some nice quiet evenings cosily to ourselves.
Its naughty my grumbling about her, but you know how aggravating she can be. You will see when we return how she will tell you how terribly she suffered without you, tho' she thoroughly enjoys being alone with her friend, turning his head, & not so as to forget you a bit. Be nice & firm when you return & don't allow her foot-game etc. Otherwise she gets worse after - she always needs cooling down.
She is full of how thin she has grown, tho' I find her stomach & legs colossal (& most unapetising) - her face is rosy, but the cheeks less fat & shades under he eyes.
Ja, det var några av de utdrag jag hittade. Det finns många fler, men klockan är kvart över tolv och jag är trött.
Nedan följer några utdrag från Alexandras brev;
It's a rest not seeing poor Ania and hearing her grumbling. - Anna, Ania och Anya är i Ryssland samma namn.
My dear, Ania has been wheeled by Shuk as far as Voyeikov's house, Dr. Korenev near her and was not a bit tired - now tomorrow she wants to come to me! Oh dear, and I was so glad that for a long time we should not have her in the house, I am selfish after 9 years, and want you to myself at last and this means, she is preparing to invade upon us often when you return or she will beg to be wheeled in the garden, as the park is shut (so as to meet you) and I wont be there to disturb.
I shall miss you h o r r i b I y , but I am glad for you that you will be away for 2 days & get new impressions & hear nothing of Anias stories.
Ania's leg is much better to-day, and I see she intends to be up for your return - I wish she had been well now and the leg next week bad, then we should have had some nice quiet evenings cosily to ourselves.
Its naughty my grumbling about her, but you know how aggravating she can be. You will see when we return how she will tell you how terribly she suffered without you, tho' she thoroughly enjoys being alone with her friend, turning his head, & not so as to forget you a bit. Be nice & firm when you return & don't allow her foot-game etc. Otherwise she gets worse after - she always needs cooling down.
She is full of how thin she has grown, tho' I find her stomach & legs colossal (& most unapetising) - her face is rosy, but the cheeks less fat & shades under he eyes.
Ja, det var några av de utdrag jag hittade. Det finns många fler, men klockan är kvart över tolv och jag är trött.
Anna och Alix
You know you're obsessed with the Romanovs...
[ ] if you have their photographs ALL over your room (Fel på skrivaren)
[X] if you filled your computer up with their pictures
[ ] if u decorate your room to look like a romanov bedroom (Deras sovrum var inte de vackraste.)
[X] if thats all you talk about
[X] if the only books you read are about the romanovs
[/] if you are in love with each and every one of them (Jag är inte ett stort fan av Tatiana)
[X] if when people are making fun of them you stand up for them
[X] if you always want to dress like them (but cant or you can)
[/] if you wish you could die because your heart aches so bad for what happened to them
[X] if you wish you had a time machine that could take you to see them .
[X] if you wish you had a time machine to go back to 1918 and save them.
[ ] if every day you cry becuase of what happened to them (Det skulle bli jobbigt i längden)
[X] if you're writting a novel and then non-fiction story about them.
[/] if you spend whatever time you have left of your day, begging for info from higher resources about what Alexei's shoe size was when he was seven.
[X] Before exhastedly collapsing into the most comfortable chair in the local library and falling asleep, you've chased up every single little book on Russia they had to offer.
[X] if you filled your computer up with their pictures
[ ] if u decorate your room to look like a romanov bedroom (Deras sovrum var inte de vackraste.)
[X] if thats all you talk about
[X] if the only books you read are about the romanovs
[/] if you are in love with each and every one of them (Jag är inte ett stort fan av Tatiana)
[X] if when people are making fun of them you stand up for them
[X] if you always want to dress like them (but cant or you can)
[/] if you wish you could die because your heart aches so bad for what happened to them
[X] if you wish you had a time machine that could take you to see them .
[X] if you wish you had a time machine to go back to 1918 and save them.
[ ] if every day you cry becuase of what happened to them (Det skulle bli jobbigt i längden)
[X] if you're writting a novel and then non-fiction story about them.
[/] if you spend whatever time you have left of your day, begging for info from higher resources about what Alexei's shoe size was when he was seven.
[X] Before exhastedly collapsing into the most comfortable chair in the local library and falling asleep, you've chased up every single little book on Russia they had to offer.
Nicky och Alix med OTMA. Alexei vet jag inte var han håller hus. Det kan hända att det är han som är fotograf.